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List of Members
View all the current members of BASIC Guru Online. The members are ordered by date of acceptance, number of downloads, and number of programs.

Do you want to know what being a BASIC Guru Online member will do for you? Well, there are lots of perks for a member:

The emails that you are receiving are different from a newsletter. A daily newsletter would not work because there may not be news every day. It is possible, however, to receive more than one email in one day. If you do have a website and you list it in the sign-up form, you must create a link back to BASIC Guru Online ASAP with the description: An online set of BASIC programming tutorials for the TI-83 and TI-83 Plus. If you want to add anything else, that's fine. The only requirement of a BASIC Guru Online member is that he or she vote in all of the polls, especially the weekly polls.

Sign-Up Form
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Change Member Info
Go here to submit any changes you have to your BASIC Guru Online member profile
Submit Your Programs
In order to make BASIC Guru Online membership more interactive, you can submit your TI calculator programs to be placed underneath your member profile. Other members and visitors will be able to download your programs and maybe even email you and talk to you about them. This also gives you a chance to show you programming prowess. Just click on the link above and go to the Program Submission form.
Member of the Month
Chech out who won the last Member of the Month award
Site of the Month
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Check out information on BASIC Guru Online hosting. BASIC Guru Online will host your site for free and give unlimited email addresses. Get more visitors to your site.

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