BASIC Guru Online Awards
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Best Tutorials on the Planet
BASIC InfoBase Site of the Month: January, 2001
Site of the Month
Program of the Month
Member of the Month

BASIC Guru Online believes in receiving and giving. BASIC Guru Online has received two awards, but gives out 3 a month. Every month the users of BASIC Guru Online will vote on the best site of the month and the best program of the month. In addition, a member of the month is announced at the beginning of every month.

Joe Bechtold, a member of this site and the webmaster of Hit and Run Entertainment, has honored BASIC Guru Online with "Hit and Run Entertainment's Best TI BASIC Tutorials On the Planet" award. This is the first award that BASIC Guru Online has ever received and can most likely be the best one it'll ever receive. Special thanks to Joe and his site.

"Hit and Run Entertainment's Best TI BASIC Tutorials On the Planet"

BASIC Guru Online is the winner of BASIC InfoBase's Site of the Month poll for January 2001. This site is webmastered by one of this site's very own members, Lucas Johnson. This is the 2nd award that BASIC Guru Online has received and I hope to win many more from Lucas and his site.

BASIC InfoBase Site of the Month: January 2001

Site of the Month

The Site of the Month Poll is now closed indefinitely

Previous Winners:

September 2000: MDDB Programs October 2000: TI-8x Programming
November 2000: BASIC InfoBase December 2000: Kevtiva Interactive
Janauary 2001: Kevtiva Interactive February 2001: Flabberghast Software
March 2001: TI83-ZONE April 2001: Cahal Technologies
May 2001: TI-8x Programming June 2001: TI-8x Programming

Program of the Month

The Site of the Month Poll is now closed indefinitely.

Previous Winners:

September 2000: Supreme Bowling with Link Play v4.6 (TI-83+) October 2000: World War 4 (TI-83+)
November 2000: Complete Quadratic Formula Program v5.2a (TI-83+) December 2000: The Ultimate Maze 2000 v2.0 (TI-83+)
January 2001: Dragon Ball Z - Saiyan Saga (TI-83+) February 2001: Pipes (TI-83+)
March 2001: Tetris v1.0 (TI-83+) April 2001: Basic Tutor (TI-83+)
May 2001: SUPER Pac v1.5 (TI-83+) June 2001: JShell v4.0 (TI-83)

Member of the Month

BASIC Guru Online members can participate in the monthly Programming Challenge (PC), post their PUDs, and submit programs that they have created. Those programs are downloaded by others, can become Program of the Month nominees, and even win the POM. Somtimes, a member's site will win the Site of the Month. All of the members who do one or more of the previous tasks are considered to be active members. The purpose of the Member of the Month (MOM) award is to accurately gauge that activity and also promote healthy member competition. The winner of the MOM award is determined through a well-detailed point system:

June 2001
Name Points
Closed for July, 2001

Previous Winners:

June 2001:
Jason D. Ralphs

May 2001:
Lucas Johnson

April 2001:
Lucas Johnson

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