Tutorial 25: Changing Modes
Changing from one mode to another...
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In this tutorial, we will learn how to change modes inside of our programs. Generally, programmers change modes at the beginning of the program and usually in programs that contain mathematical computations. Most of the modes that you can change to are math related. If you use your calculator in your higher-level math class, you have probably come across a couple of these modes before. Although this tutorial won't be helpful for making games, it will make creating math or science programs easier. If you have taken up to Algebra II or Pre-Calculus, it should be easy for you to understand what each mode does.

New Commands:

Normal Sets normal display mode
Sci Sets scientific notation display mode
Float Sets floating decimal mode
Fix Sets fixed-decimal mode for a specific number of decimal places
Radian Sets radian angle mode
Degree Sets degree angle mode
Func Sets function graphing mode(y=x)
Connected Sets connected plotting mode
Dot Sets dot plotting mode
Real Sets real number mode
a+bi Sets complex number mode
Full Sets full screen mode
Horiz Sets horizontal split-screen mode
G-T Sets graph-table vertical split-screen mode
DispGraph Displays the graph

Fix #

I know there are a lot, but I'd really advise that you read the further definitions of all the commands because the short definitions above really do not give a good enough one if you don't already know what they do. These commands come in groups. This means that you obviously can't have both modes on at the same time. For example, Normal and Sci are in the same group. You either have your mode set at normal, scientific, or another mode, which I won't get into. The other groups are: Float & Fix, Radian & Degree, Func (has others in its group, but aren't discussed), Connected & Dot, Sequential & Simul, Real & a+bi, and Full, Horiz, & G-T. The reason that I did not include some of the modes is because they are used in upper level math and are rarely used in calculator programs. The other mode commands, as well as the ones listed above, are in Guidebook in the first chapter under "Setting Modes."

The Codes:
I'm going to try to incorporate as many commands in each code so that there won't be too many. Some of the commands go together well, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

: For AShell, SOS, and TI-Explorer
Normal Sets normal display mode
ClrHome Clears the home screen
Disp "A NORMAL NUMBER: Displays "A NORMAL NUMBER:" on the top line
Disp 123456 Displays 123456 normally
Pause Suspends program and waits for use to press ENTER
Sci Sets scientific notation display mode
Disp "","THE NUMBER IN Displays a blank linke and "THE NUMBER IN"
Disp "SCIENTIFIC Displays "SCIENTIFIC" on the next line
Disp "NOTATION: Displays "NOTATION:" on the line after that
Disp 123456 Displays 123456 in scientific notation
Pause Suspends program and waits for use to press ENTER
ClrHome Clears the home screen
3/4STOREF Makes the user variable F equal to ¾
Normal Sets normal display mode
Float Sets floating decimal mode
Disp "FLOATING DECIMAL Displays "FLOATING DECIMAL" on the top line
Disp F Displays ¾ normally with no trailing zeros
Pause Suspends program and waits for use to press ENTER
Fix 5 Sets fixed-decimal mode to five decimal places
Disp "","THE NUMBER Displays a blank line and "THE NUMBER"
Disp "FIXED TO FIVE Displays "FIXED TO FIVE" on the next line
Disp "DECIMAL PLACES: Displays "decimal places:" on the line after that
Disp F Displays ¾ normally with three trailing zeroes
Pause Suspends program and waits for use to press ENTER
Float Sets floating decimal mode

press ENTER press ENTER
press ENTER

I decided to end the code just so that it didn't get too long. The code is pretty much self-explanatory. Normal and Float are the "normal modes" and Sci and Fix are the modes you change into. You could possibly use Sci when you have a science program that requires the answer to be in scientific notation. You might use fix in order to set the length of a variable no matter what value is in it. At the end of your programs you should set the "normal modes" back so the user does not have to do that.

: For AShell, SOS, and TI-Explorer
Radian Sets radian angle mode
ClrHome Clears the home screen
Disp "THE sin(30) IN Displays "THE sin(30) IN"
Disp "RADIANS: Displays "RADIANS:" on the next line
Disp sin(30 Displays the sine of 30 radians
Pause Suspends program and waits for use to press ENTER
Degree Sets degree angle mode
Disp "","THE sin(30) IN Displays "THE sin(30) IN"
Disp "DEGREES: Displays "DEGREES:" on the next line
Disp sin(30 Displays the sine of 30°
Pause Suspends program and waits for use to press ENTER
a+bi Sets complex number mode
ClrHome Clears the home screen
Disp "IN a+bi MODE: Displays "IN a+bi MODE:"
Disp SQUARE ROOT(-25 Displays the square root of -25
Pause Suspends program and waits for use to press ENTER
Real Sets real number mode
Disp "IN Real MODE: Displays "IN Real MODE:"
Disp SQUARE ROOT(-25 Displays the square root of -25

press ENTER press ENTER
press ENTER

It's really hard to differentiate between the Real mode and the a+bi mode because the Real mode is a subset of the a+bi mode. I tried to give the best example of how to tell the difference. At the end of the program, you should have received an "ERR:NONREAL ANS." You got this because the Real mode cannot evaluate a non-real answer. The square root of -25 is imaginary and it cannot work with imaginary numbers. The a+bi mode is set a lot in quadratic formula programs in order to allow the roots to be imaginary or complex. Degrees and Radians are usually discussed in Geometry or Algebra II. These two commands are mostly like used in programs to solve problems used in those two classes. You really do not have to turn the modes back to "normal" because regular math computations won't be affected by the mode settings. I actually prefer to leave my mode setting to a+bi.

: For AShell, SOS, and TI-Explorer
Full Sets full screen mode
Func Sets function graphing mode
Connected Sets connected plotting mode
FnOff Deselects all the Y= functions
AxesOn Turns the graph axes on
ClrDraw Clears the graph screen
"X²+2X-7"STOREY1 Stores the equation "X²+2X-7" into Y1
DispGraph Displays the graph
Text(45,55,"CONNECTED Displays "CONNECTED" on the graph screen
Text(52,60,"MODE Displays "MODE" on the graph screen
Pause Suspends program and waits for use to press ENTER
Dot Sets dot plotting mode
DispGraph Displays the graph
Text(45,60,"DOT Displays "DOT" on the graphs screen
Text(52,60,"MODE Displays the graph
Pause Suspends program and waits for use to press ENTER
Connected Sets connected plotting mode
Horiz Sets horizontal split-screen mode
DispGraph Displays the graph
Disp "HORIZONTAL Displays "HORIZONTAL" on the home screen
Disp "SPLIT-SCREEN Displays "SPLIT-SCREEN" on the home screen
Disp "MODE" Displays "MODE" on the home screen
Pause Suspends program and waits for use to press ENTER
G-T Sets graph-table vertical split-screen mode
DispGraph Displays the graph
Text(38,0,"GRAPH-TABLE Displays "GRAPH-TABLE" on the graph screen
Text(45,0,"MODE" Displays "MODE" on the graph screen
Pause Suspends program and waits for use to press ENTER
Full Sets full screen mode

press ENTER press ENTER
press ENTER

I set the Full mode at the beginning just to make sure the calculator is set in the Full mode. The rest is self-explanatory. Make sure you read the further definitions of Horiz and G-T to find out the boundaries of pixels and text. Make sure to change the mode back to Full at the end.

I hope this tutorial was helpful for you. Maybe you didn't know you could set the number of decimal places or have a horizontal split screen. These commands can make programming easier and make your displays look better. In the next tutorial, we will cover something very similar. We will be changing the zoom using the zoom commands.

If you do not understand a particular part in this lesson, have suggestions, or find any problems please contact me.

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