Tutorial 1: Clearing the Screen
Blanking the screen...
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In this tutorial, we will make our first program that just clears the screen. Yes, you could easily just press the clear button while in the home screen, but this is the first step in compiling a program/game. First, we'll start from the beginning because I do not know how much you know about programming or using your calculator. I will first show how to make a new program on your calc. Please note that these instructions and the picture are taken directly from the "TI-83 Graphing Calculator Guidebook."

To make a new program on your calc:

  1. Press PRGM and then LEFT to display the PRGM NEW menu.
  2. Press ENTER to select 1:Create New. The NAME= prompt is displayed, and alpha lock is on.
  3. Press an alpha character to enter the first character of the new program name. A program name can be one to eight characters long. The first character must be a letter from A to Z or theta. The second through eighth characters can be letters, numbers, or theta.
  4. Press ENTER and the program editor is displayed.

New Commands:

: (colon) Used at the beginning of a program so that it can be displayed in certain shells
ClrHome Clears the home screen during program execution

The Code:
For you to be able to see the home screen actually being cleared, you probably should just do some math calculations first on the home screen so that the screen is filled with different characters.

: For AShell, SOS, and TI-Explorer
ClrHome Clears the home screen

Well this is your first program. It isn't much, but it's a good start. In the next tutorial we'll learn about displaying text.

If you do not understand a particular part in this lesson, have suggestions, or find any problems please contact me.

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