HOME >> Help >> FAQ >> Why do I get an "ERR:INVALID DIM" error message? |
Why do I get an "ERR:INVALID DIM" error message? |
You will get this error message for two different reasons. If you are creating a program that uses lists or matrices, you may receive this error message. Here are 4 reasons that TI says why you'll get this error message:
- You specified dimensions for an argument that are not appropriate for the operation.
- You specified a list dimension as something other than an integer between 1 and 999.
- You specified a matrix dimension as something other than an integer between 1 and 99.
- You attempted to invert a matrix that is not square.
Now, if you were playing a game and you got this error message, it's probably not because of one of the reasons above. To make sure that it is because of the reason that I'm about to explain, run the program until you get to the "ERR:INVALID DIM" error message. If the program isn't protected, go down to 2:Goto. If the cursor stops on a command line that reads "RecallPic..." then the way to prevent this error from happening will be explained next. If the command where the cursor stops doesn't read "RecallPic...," then it's most likely occuring because of one of the 4 reasons listed above. If it did read "RecallPic...", then the reason is because you have your stat plots on. For some reason, calculator pictures cannot be displayed when stat plots are on. Fixing this problem is simple. Quit the game first. Once you are on the homescreen, press
[STAT PLOT]. Scroll down to 4:PlotsOff. "PlotsOff" should appear on the homescreen. Press
and your stat plots will be turned off and you should be able to run the game without getting any errors. If you use your calculator for math class (especially higher level ones), then the stat plots were probably turned on because you used them in class. If this is the case, you can turn them back on by pressing
[STAT PLOT]. Scroll down to 5:PlotsOn. Just make sure that whenever you want to play a game that you know uses calculator pictures, that you turn the stat plots off.